I was going to write some clever description that would somehow make use of camera/photography terminology. Instead, I'll just say that pictures go here.
Our condo development has a bit of a problem with the geese population. Could have fooled me. As you can imagine, driving down the street these critters cross is quite an adventure. And we've been told that there used to be a lot more of them just a few years ago.
One of the nice things about central New Jersey is the copious amount of parks and other nature-type areas that are quite suitable for photography. The Delaware & Raritan Canal State Park is close to my office, so it's a good lunch-time destination.
This particular batch was taken in late November. More importantly, they represent my first (crude) attempt to spruce up my photos with Photoshop.
I found this tree stump in one of the calmer areas of the canal system; hence the floating debris clinging nearby.
I'm proud to be the first person ever to photograph a trail winding off into the distance.
I had to switch to the digital zoom to get even this close to the swan.
Apparently this caterpillar was in its death throes. Shortly after taking this picture, it simply rolled onto its side and stopped moving. I never touched it, I swear!
I'm a sucker for converging verticals. I just wish the sky had been a bit more colorful (or that my Photoshop skills could make it look like the sky had been a bit more colorful).
I've decided to start this page as a companion to Attack of the 15.24 Meter Blog. That way, when I don't feel like expressing myself with prose, I can do it with pictures. Man, that sounds cheesy. Anyway, the concept is simple enough. Pictures (taken by me) go here.